
Since it was formed in Italy in 2009, imPerfect Dancers Company has taken the contemporary dance scene by storm, winning rave reviews and prestigious awards.
True perfection lies in imperfection
It is this paradox that is encapsulated in the company's name. Similarly, the dancers in the troupe each have their own imperfections that make them unique, yet absolutely perfect.
International recognition
Under the artistic direction of its founders, Walter Matteini and Ina Broeckx, the company has proved tirelessly creative as it evolves, expanding its repertoire and delighting audiences with its sensitive and compelling performances and bold, often courageous, artistic choices. In doing so, it has gained international recognition, securing its rightful place in the artistic landscape.
imPerfect Dancers Company has taken its repertoire on tour, with performances in North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Europe.
Distinctive language
Energetic, emotional, receptive and motivated – these are just a few words that characterise the artistic duo and their work. “Our choreographic language is intensely physical and athletic, and hinges on our quest to explore and understand the human soul in all its different facets. Our work seeks to create an emotional connection with the audience. While we usually draw inspiration from history and literature, our choice of themes is always guided by careful consideration of several factors: their cultural depth, their potential to be developed in an original and modern fashion, their artistic interest and the emotions they evoke. When we translate our ideas into movements, we always start from the music. And then the sole purpose is to convey emotion.”
International Tours
Armenia - Austria - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Colombia - Denmark - Egypt - France - Germany - Iraq - Israel - Italy - Malta - Monte Carlo - the Netherlands - North Macedonia - Poland - Russia - Serbia - Spain - Switzerland - Tanzania - Turkey - Uruguay - USA

imPerfect Dancers Company in the press
“When dance overcomes fragility: Empty floor
The six dancers on stage offered to the public a delicate theme, with great skill, also given by the strong contemporary technique, making the show an interesting interlocking of dynamics and movements. Through fluid and rhythmic gestures like uncontrollable tics, the dancers brought on stage the emotions and feelings of anguish, fear, but also love and solidarity. Falls, unbalances, runs, jumps, but also support, hugs and acts of trust towards the other, have helped to underline the nuances and research on the fragility of life.
A show that surely left and awakened in us a great humanitarian and solidarity feeling”.
Uninfonews.it, Marta Sbranti
“With a well-deserved, hearty and prolonged applause, the audience convincingly showed its appreciation for the dancers and choreographers”
“A jewel of rare purity signed imPerfect Dancers Company. The beauty of the gesture in space, when it reaches this purity, would not need anything else.”
Persinsala, Simona Maria Frigerio
“The imPerfect Dancers Company has transformed Shakespeare’s drama “Hamlet” into a breathtaking dance theater.
“They call themselves“ imPerfect Dancers Company” and overwhelm you with a perfect dance, full of energy, imagination and poetry.”
Mathis, Bregenz Vorarlberger Nachrichten
“...The world premiere of Walter Matteini and Ina Broeckx’s latest creation was greeted with thunderous applause. The imPerfect Dancers Company has magnificently staged the existential struggle between secret egos, sublime poetry, fears and aggressive anger, mounting in a continuous crescendo of alternating emotions, linked by a common thread. Imagination and innovation take full flight in the extraordinary choreography, in which every step and every movement is imbued with the stereotypical image of the Black Swan that dwells within each one of us...”
Eliconie, Maria Luisa Runti
“...One thing is certain: no-one will be immune from the deep emotional involvement generated by this performance. An unusual post-modernist adaptation of Tchaikovsky’s classic ballet Swan Lake. Definitely not to be missed!”
Egg Magazine, Maria Chiara Gori
“...To stage the ‘Diary of Anne Frank’ through the gestures of dance is quite a challenge but imPerfect Dancers Company has pulled it off, offering a performance of deeply felt, heart-wrenching emotion, illustrated through Walter Matteini’s superb, enthralling choreography. The words and thoughts of Anne Frank take shape and form and become intense movements and an interpretation of her haunting and melancholic poetical writings. Moments of cathartic lyricism and sublimation are interrupted by moments of strong dramatic impact, such as the chilling scene with gas masks or the loud barking of a dog. There are memories and emotions flowing between dream and reality, between the desire to live and the realisation that death lurks around every corner...”
Eliconie, Maria Luisa Runti
“I had to remind myself to breathe as I was completely drawn into the raw emotion and energy of the Italian troupe, imPerfect Dancers.”
Gabrielle Narsted about The Unseen Garden in the Vancouver Observer

“Istante has left audiences in wonder on three continents, with standing ovations in Europe, Africa and South America.”
“This Italian contemporary dance company has charmed Uruguay.”
Montevideo Gazette of Uruguay
“Madame Butterfly's Son is a unique piece that has already earned its reputation as an international sensation.”
Badische Neueste Nachrichten, Karlsruhe
“Great interpreters of contemporary dance demonstrating extraordinary skill.”
“Seeing imPerfect Dancers Company was to witness an emotional journey of great depth.”
La Gazzetta di Parma
“A wonderful success. The music of Vivaldi and Stravinsky meet the beauty and passion of one of Europe's most highly regarded and technically gifted dance companies.”
La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno
“The choreography is edgy, vigorous and emphatic. With beautiful, surreal details sparingly depicted, where tragedy and stark reality alternate with subtle humour.”
Mittelbayerische Zeitung about Istante
“A highly complex and highly sensitive production. It’s incredible how flexible a person can be – and how utterly vulnerable.”
Mittelbayerische Zeitung about Istante
"Walter Matteini and his imPerfect Dancers have scaled new heights with ‘Thinking Outside the Box’ at the Regensburg Tanztage Dance Festival ... ‘Thinking Outside the Box’ is about breathing, experiencing, looking, feeling, remembering, being shocked; it’s about making a powerful statement. A true dance tour de force."
Copyright © 2025 imPerfect Dancers Company. All rights reserved | ina.broeckx@imperfectdancers.com | Tel. +32491189229